Kilde Healing Studio

About Crystal Healing

Is your physical health excellent or are you unable to act due to stress and fatigue? This may be due to vital energy imbalances.

There are seven main chakras in our bodies which energy flows through. Imbalances in chakras can manifest in behavioral, emotional. spiritual, and physical illnesses.


Why/How does it work?

Everything in our entire universe is made of frequencies and vibration.

That means our emotions, feelings, and physical bodies have vibrations and frequencies, too.

Different forms of matter oscillate at different frequencies. Our human body consists of organs that are made of matter that oscillate at different frequencies.

The physical manifestation of an ailment comes when our body is not in alignment.


Crystals have what’s known in science as stable (DOR).

DOR means the dominant oscillatory rate. The stability of the DOR of any crystal is because they are made of repeatedly geometric patterns that are stable in their vibration.

Different crystals have different DORs.

When a crystal with a certain DOR is introduced to the energy field of the human body, that’s when crystal healing begins.

When the human body is out of alignment or balance, it has a high level of entropy.

Entropy means disorder.

Because a crystal has a stable DOR, the crystal has a very low state of entropy.

Therefore when a crystal is introduced to an out of balance physical body, the crystal will start to entrain, or oscillates the energy of the cells of the body.

This leads to a reduction in the state of entropy in the cell structure of the human body which leads to increased states of wellness, health, and longevity.


Powerful Energetic Healing 

90 min 3 sessions $390 

1.Aura cleansing and Energy Adjustment

2.Empowerment with stones.

3.Activation with stones

Past Life Healing

90 min 12 sessions $1,440

1.Auric Cleansing & Energy Adjustment & Energy Consultation

2.Cleansing with Stones

3.Amplifier with Stones

4.Deep Healing part 1 - Earth Energy Activation with Stones (releasing old patterns & negative energy)

5.Deep Healing part 2 - Divine Energy Activation with Stones (releasing old patterns & negative energy)

6.Deep Healing part 3 - Karmic Cleansing (releasing old patterns & negative energy)

7.Cleansing with Stones - the New you!

8.Activation with Stones - the New you!

9.Past Life Healing part 1 - Earth Energy Activation with Stones (activation Past Life Gifts & positive energy)

10.Past Life Healing part 2 - Divine Energy Activation with Stones (activation Past Life Gifts & positive energy)

11.Past Life Healing part 3 - Dharma Activation - the New you! (activation Past Life Gifts & positive energy)

12.Completion Session & Energy Review for the New You!

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